24 July 2007

It's a Family Affair

I have been completely spoiled with family this summer! After six weeks with my brother, my sister and her boyfriend, Megan (or Megs, Meggy, Lindsay, sis, sissy – all of the above apply!) flew in Friday morning. They have really brought ‘home’ to me, and have kept feelings of loneliness and homesickness at bay. I’m already sad that they are only here for a little over two weeks.

Unfortunately for Meggy and Andrew, Friday was the second-worst weather day we have had since we moved to England (second only to the one day of snow!) – torrential flooding that left many people stranded. In fact, the runways at the airport became completely inaccessible just a few hours after they landed. That would have made for a terrible first flight for Andrew, who had never flown before this trip but will fly 8 times before he’s back home! Thankfully, the worst we experienced was a very wet Friday and a long trip home by bus as all trains were cancelled, and a wet journey into Coventry on Saturday. And a bit of disappointment from Megs and Andrew, as they had foolishly packed for summer not realising that England has no such thing!

We had the weekend with the two of them before they headed up to Edinburgh today, and then on a backpacker’s tour that Nick and I did a few years ago with John, Eric and Scott, and that the Burdette Brothers did during their visit. They get back in Friday night, we’ll take a day-trip and then it’s off to Amsterdam for four days! We’re really looking forward to the time away with them to explore a new place, and I expect we will have plenty of great stories to tell.


Eric Schoch said...

So do you two work anymore? I get the feeling that these 'jobs' you tell everyone you have are just a clever ruse to allow you to romp all over Europe. I worry about you coming back to the States...you'll have to get used to a hard days work again ;-)

Hope you guys are staying dry!

- Eric

Lauren said...

Haha, you've got us - work is actually illegal in this country! :-) But seriously, I worry about Nick especially when we move back - I had my consulting years to get used to America's 'all work, no play' culture but this is his first real job. You will have to listen to a lot of moaning when that day comes!

Tim said...

I can verify that Lauren does no work. She spends her days blogging, blagging and stalking people on Facebook!

Lauren said...

Tim, you're one to talk - you could learn so much from me!

meggy said...

i'm sooo glad we did that tour of scotland, even if we have no pics :( you guys could seriously be professional travel planners though :)