29 February 2008

My Wild 'n Crazy Friday Night

Nick's out for a 'guy's nights' with some of the boys he works with - they were going out for Man Burgers and a Man Movie (Rambo). I was very graciously invited, but happily declined. I've been ill this week, so it's kind of nice to have a quiet night in, and thought y'all might want to hear about it! I am drinking a glass of red wine, listening to music, and getting caught up with emails/letters/etc - all while I'm wearing the most comfortable bathrobe in the world.

That might sound weird, but seriously, I can't tell you how happy I am about this bathrobe (which I think they call 'dressing gowns' here?). I've been wanting a big, soft bathrobe to curl up in for YEARS, and this year for Christmas my mom got me a big, puffy, soft, pale blue robe that cames down to my ankles - thank you, Mom!

(I almost left that whole part out because I know that guys I work with will read it and make fun of me on Monday - but I thought it was worth some ridicule if I could share my contentment with you!)

One of the things I've caught up on tonight is my Shelfari shelf, which was a fun reminder of all the great books I've read this year. My top recommendation from the last year is Bone People - if you've read it, let me know, if you haven't please do! I've also recently finished The Testament of Gideon Mack and The Shadow of the Wind - are those popular in the States, or are they purely British phenomena?

Other than my crazy night in, we do have an exciting weekend planned. We're going to Chester tomorrow, which according to Lonely Planet is one of the most beautiful towns in England. It's a very adventurous day trip by British standards, a whole 2 hours north of here - I'm sure we'll have some amazing pictures to post soon!

And to give you a taste of posts to come in the near future, below is one of my favourite shots from our weekend in Belgium a couple weeks ago:


Anonymous said...

Glad you are enjoying that robe! We had several inches of snow and are enjoying the same kind of wild and crazy Friday night you had last week. How's Miss Lonelyhearts coming? lou ann

meggy said...

aww a bathrobe to go with your comfy jamies!