31 March 2008

As Cool As We'll Ever Be

Nick and I are terribly, embarrassingly behind on blog posts! The fact that we still haven’t written about Brussels is just shameful, and now we are multiple countries and two amazing visitors behind! We will be working over-time during the month of April to catch up!

We had the great privilege of being two of the adult leaders on B1’s (our church here) First Kids’ Weekend Away. B1 is rather small, and there are only 6 ‘kids’ between the ages of 10 and 16 (hopefully none of them will find this blog, as I’m sure they would be insulted to be called kids instead of super-cool teens!), and we took these kids and one or two friends of each away for the weekend to the Peak District. It was boisterous, exhausting and all-together memorable.

The weekend was organized and directed by Colin, who used to be in the army and has also worked for an outdoor adventure camp, so as you can imagine he had planned an action-packed weekend. From the minute we got in Friday evening until we left Sunday after lunch, there were events and activities happening, on top of cooking all of the meals (no packed lunches for these kids!). Friday night we just ate soup and did some ice breakers, including the ‘cup game’ where you each person has a plastic cup and you pass it around the circle to an intricate rhythm. My family will be delighted to hear I have finally found other people to play the cup game with, because once I learned it in high school I would do it for hours, to everyone’s general annoyance. Apparently I’m not the only one to have fallen under the spell of the cup game – one of the youngest girls was such a fan she carried a cup around with her and beat on it ALL weekend, to the slight annoyance but wary tolerance of the rest of the kids.

Saturday was much more intense – even though the kids didn’t go to bed until 11:30 (3 hours later than the normal bedtime of the youngest kids!), we had a 6:30 am wake-up call, a hot breakfast, and then it was off to the first of two of the weekend’s extreme activities: caving! The pictures at the beginning and end of the post show us before and after the adventure. Everyone loved caving, because it was whatever you made it. We crawled through the narrowest cave entrance possibly known to man, and then were allowed to explore the nooks and crannies to our heart’s content before meeting up at various points for a buddy check. The older boys could be as extreme as they wanted to be, while the girls were able to take their time more. After crawling on his stomach through water Nick doesn’t think he would do it again, because he’s a bit claustrophobic and it was surprisingly difficult and intense for a group of young caving novices!

We were just beginning, though – the afternoon included a low ropes course – which again the kids LOVED – and an orienteering walk through freezing rain in muddy fields. The course was so muddy that one of the boys stepped into mud up to his waste, and lost a shoe! He had to walk a mile in socks just to get back since the mud devoured his footwear.

After those adventures, it was time a for a big dinner, after which some of us girls went on a night walk while the boys stayed back to help Nick build the campfire. The nightwalk was incredible – I’ve done nightwalks before through woods, but this was through wide open fields under a really low cloud covering, so that you literally couldn’t see the person walking in front of you. It felt spooky. At one point, Colin lost the path and left us standing in a field while he went in search of the way. At first the girls screamed a lot and were really scared. Then they realized that by turning on and off their ‘torches’ (brit-speak for flashlight), it looked like a ‘disco’ (brit speak for school dance), and so they threw a disco, dancing and singing in the field. Once Colin finally found the way, we winded our way back to the camp site where a huge, warm campfire greeted us.

The campfire was one of the weekend’s highlights, because we had imported the ingredients for that great American treat: Smores! Smores are a completely foreign concept here, since they don’t have Hershey’s and they don’t have anything that even remotely resembles graham crackers. They were a huge hit, especially with the older guys. People kept saying ‘These – what are they called again? – are amazing!’ And ‘I love shmores!’ They couldn’t believe that people have these all the time in the States. Nick and I were so excited to share an American classic with people who were so appreciative! You’d think that would be enough for Saturday night, but we still had more games to play! We did games and icebreakers until midnight, at which point we finally convinced them it was probably best to get some sleep.

At Sunday’s 6:30 am wake-up call, a lot of the pep had gone – they were dragging. The day’s big activity, abseiling, cured that! Abseiling is essentially rappelling, and Nick was thrilled and the kids were scared that we were rappelling off of a 60 ft tall bridge. They gave us the option of going with someone else or alone, and most people tried it with their friend first and then by themselves on their second go (everyone got in three tries because they were so well-behaved and coordinated – the instructors said they were the best group they had worked with – we felt proud!), with the exception of the two youngest girls. They both wanted to go with me before they went alone. The one, who all weekend had seemed confident and outgoing, turned out to be terrified. She cried and cried as we stood at the top of the bridge, with all the kids trying to talk her into going. The instructor finally convinced her to go, and the entire way down with me she was shaking and crying and saying ‘Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.’ Over and over. When we reached the bottom I thought ‘well, she completely regrets that!’ And she said ‘Let’s go again!’ For the majority of the kids, both caving and abseiling were completely new, and it was amazing to get to share those adventures with them.

Truthfully, though, the highlight of the weekend was their complete love of and fascination with all things American. I think it’s a combination of their age and the fact that most of the pop culture that they like is imported from the states, but they just can’t get enough of it! They were asking us questions all weekend, the older boys grilling Nick and the girls quizzing me. The girls were hilarious – they asked ‘What’s the mall like?’ And ‘What’s a skate park like?’ And asking what words we had for different things and how we pronounce them. They also asked ‘What words do you use for amazing?’ I said ‘awesome’, and one of the boys said ‘Americans say radical a lot’ – I tried to tell them otherwise but they weren’t having it.

They then used this new-found knowledge to come up with a conversation, which they repeated over and over the same way kids do when they’re learning a foreign language. Imagine the following in a fake, wisconsiny type accent:

‘What are you doing today?’ ‘I’m going to the skate park and then I’m going to the mallll’ ‘Really? That’s awesome!’ ‘Yeah, I’m going to see a movie.’ ‘What’s it called?’ ‘To-may-toes and Pot-ay-toes.’ ‘Radical!’ ‘Yeah, and then I’m going to buy sneakers and galoshes.' ‘That’s awesome!’

They just couldn’t get enough Americana. I don’t think we’ve ever felt so cool or popular! You can see more pics from the weekend here.


Anonymous said...


Laura said...

You two are so cool!

Does the UK do anything fun for April Fools? I know in France you're suppose to stick a fish on someone's back and see how long it took them to notice, but we could never figure out if it was a REAL fish or a paper fish. We just did paper to our tour guide - HS trip....

Lots of US love!

Kevin and Amy said...

Well now THAT is what I'm talking about! A chock-full blog entry with pictures and everything! That trip sounds totally radical! I'm so glad you guys are back in blog-world...and I can't wait to hear about Belgium (near and dear to my heart due especially to chocolate and beer).

Rock on and good luck with introducing graham crackers to the UK...you two are going to be ambassadors by the end of this experience!

Lauren said...

Jan, we posted just for you! You scared us straight, we hate to disappoint you!

Laura, there was no April Fool's excitement sadly - unless you call people telling you 'Happy April Fool's Day!' exciting - in which case I just might feel sorry for you :-)

Amy, I always LOVE your comments! And heres a little Brit trivia for you on Graham crackers. Graham is a common name here, and it's pronounced 'Gray-um' -- for months Nick and I thought everyone who said the name had a stutter.

The O'Leary Family said...

Very cool guys! I might have to make a "shmore" before bed. That sounds great!

meggy said...

ooh my gosh that sounds like it was awesome... andrew and i were just talking about how impressive you and nick are! you put our lock-in chaperoning to shame. your post had us really laughing, especially the part about the boot and how radical our speech is. and i'm so glad some people realized what great food they are missing out on.

Lauren said...

Thanks, sissy, you are far too kind in your comment! I want to hear all about the lock-in, how was it?? What is it like chaperoning something that you went to??

I am missing you!
Love, Lor