18 June 2008

Oh that’s right we have a blog…

Task: keep friends and family up to speed on our UK livin’ with regular blog posts
Performance: complete multi-level failure with no blog activity for 49 days
Attitude: Sheepish and generally contrite
Excuses: Extensive. (i) Suspension of regular life for non-stop glut of travel, work, illness, and deprivation of sleep (ii) 4 weeks of solid visitors (iii) flooding of apartment floorspace cutting off home internet connection for 3+ weeks.
Action Plan: (i) beg reader’s forgiveness, (ii) storm landlord’s house demanding basic human rights, (iii) write shorter posts more regularly

We're about 5 trips behind now but we'll start to work on catching up!


Kevin and Amy said...

Well, now, that's more like it. Isn't it nice to have a blog? Now when you want to beg people's forgiveness you simply "post" rather than write letters! I happen to love this technology.

And you do have my forgiveness, although it's only because you have suffered Old Testament plagues of illness and flooding.

Glad to hear you must be on the mend, can't wait to read Part II to the big adventure!

Oh...also, have you checked out www.stuffchristianslike.blogspot.com? Wonderful, wonderful stuff. Don't miss today's post on prosperity. You'll laugh and cry all at once. I laughed at all the pop culture references and cried at my own depravity.

Glad you guys are back on the circuit!

The O'Leary Family said...

Wow, you guys are awesome! It am jealous of your travels!!!