18 October 2006

Happy Birthday, Meggy!

October 18th is my (Lauren's) sister's birthday! She turns 22 today. Meggy and I are exactly 3 years apart in age, minus one week. We would have a joint birthday party with family on the weekend in between our birthdays, so it is hard to be apart at this time of year. To celebrate Megan, or Meggy, or Meg, or Lindsay, here's a little bit about her:
-She's a senior at Eastern Kentucky University. She finishes classes in December, and then will move back home to student teach.
- She is the most beautiful person I've met, inside and out. She has an effervescent, warm and compassionate personality.
- She is passionate about caring for other people, which is part of why she wants to be a teacher.
- Meggy is very in love with her boyfriend, Andrew (that's him in the picture). We love him too and he's like family.
- She likes to sleep in, watch movies, and her favorite food is pizza.
- She is just an all-around awesome sister, and I love her dearly.

Megan, I hope that you have a really special day!

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1 comment:

meggy said...

you are the best sister i could ever ask for... i miss you sooo much birthday buddy!