10 December 2006

Great News!

(Lauren's) Mom, for anyone who may not know, has been battling ovarian cancer since the summer. She completed her regular chemotherapy treatments. The bloodwork and CAT scan came back clear, so she can say that for now she is cancer free! Mom has been accepted into a clinical trial, and there were three possible arms of the study she could be put in: intensive chemotherapy, which would have been similar to the treatment she just completed in intensity and side effects, an experimental drug, or just observation. She is in the experimental arm, so she will get a 20-minute infusion once every four weeks for a year. Mom said that if she could pick which group she was in, it would be this one because it still gives her some of the protection of chemotherapy (which is great because ovarian cancer is particularly aggressive), but without, hopefully, the severity in side effects. If the side effects are too much, she can also quit at any time.

We will continue to post on her health whenever we learn more. Right now we are thankful for the arm of the study she is put in and her improving health. We are saving the big celebration, though, for a year from now when she's really and truly done!

Thanks for your ongoing prayers and support - they really make a world of difference.


Anonymous said...

it is great news, i'm so unbelievably proud of mom! LOVE, MEGGY

Sarah Louise said...

Great news!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for posting my news. I had missed a few days on the blog and then came on to see that I had made headlines!! Thanks for all the prayers you have generated. Can't wait for you to see the special St. Nick's ornament this year. Lauren, you will love it!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news! Praying for you always!

love your nephew jeff

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that your Mom is well. We pray for her often

Love Aunt Katie