07 December 2006

Happy St. Nick's Day!

Yesterday was St. Nick's Day, which is a big deal in Horstmania. We still put out our shoes, and St. Nick comes in the night and fills them with candy and leaves an ornament for each of us. The ornament commemorates some big event of the year. For example, I got a Pitt Santa my freshman year, and a tiny cruise ship the year I went on Semester at Sea.

Despite being an ocean away, my amazing Mama still made sure we celebrated St. Nick's Day right. On the day itself we got a package full of delicious American candy (Reese's peanut butter cups, how I've missed you!), and a wrapped ornament. I filled our shoes and set them out to greet Nick when he got home. Our ornament this year? Appropriately, it is a silver heart that says "Our Christmas Together," for our first Christmas married.

My mom's ankle is healing slowly - there is still a visible fracture but she is allowed to remove her giant boot of a cast to sleep and to drive. She tried to play the sympathy card and convince my dad and brother to fill the boot with candy (which would be A LOT of candy!), but they didn't fall for it!


Sarah Louise said...

Wow--in our family we only ever got oranges or tangerines. Thanks for visiting my blog--there are now pictures of Pittsburgh snow...

Anonymous said...

yay, i love st. nick's day, i was so excited to get mom's package. i was wondering what ornament she sent you- that's perfect! she sent me a mother-daughter ornament :) i can't wait to see everyone else's!