03 April 2007

Monumental Mockery

During our travels and sight-seeing with Kevin and Martha we encountered quite a bit of dubious public art. It raised the question for us, what is public art? Why was it put here? Is it serious? Comical? We decided public art is what you make of it, and being comical people, we decided comical was much more interesting than serious. So, throughout our adventures in various cities, we made a point to show that, no matter how serious this art may seem, it’s really pretty darn funny. For proof, I submit exhibit A.

Other than some shameless American tom-foolery, the rest of the Cammarata’s visit was just solid Olde Worlde sightseeing. We posted a couple of photos of walks around Birmingham, as well as a trip to Warwick Castle here. Lauren got a gingerbread man (not a REAL one) from a first-grader in Lancaster, PA, as part of a school project to see where he ended up. As you can see, this lucky gingerbread man got some pretty great photos of being carried around the castle. He has since continued on his journey for St. Patty’s day in Dublin then on to Chicago. Gingerbread people get to do the coolest things.


Martha said...

Haha! Mocking monuments was one of the funnest things about our visit and I must say that some of those poses were truly inspired!!!

We had SUCH a great time on our trip - thanks so much for your hospitality, your willingness to play cards at all hours of the day, and for being such good, fun friends!! :-)


Laura said...

Gingerbread men are so cool! I wish I could find an eligible Gingerbread Bachelor to travel with! ;)