04 July 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Happy Independence Day! We hope that you are all celebrating with friends and family, eating lots of good food, and watching beautiful fireworks! We are missing everyone back home and celebrating by, er, working! I did bring in a cake to work and we all took a coffee break, ate cake and chatted about America, which then turned into a discussion of how hard it is to get through airport security in the USA, so that was both special AND patriotic! As I'm sure Tim can attest, since I now have co-workers who read the blog regularly (note to self: don't link to the company website if you don't want people from the company to find your blog. There goes an entire wealth of funny work stories that I won't be posting!). Also, Aidan is still here so maybe we will sing some 'America the Beautiful', 'Star Spangled Banner' and 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' tonight!

It is very strange to be outside of the States on the 4th. This is Nick's first 'foreign 4th', but it's actually my third: one in Mexico and one at sea. It is my first, though, without a group of Americans to celebrate with. And it does feel a bit sad and strange, lonely and isolated. It especially makes us think about all the things that make America special and home for us, such as the open, loving people we were surrounded by, the food, the weather (this was the wettest June on record!), shops being open past 6.....the list goes on and on!

We can't complain too much though - although we are working and isolated today, we did just spend a long weekend in Paris, with lots of good stories that we will have to write about soon.


Tim said...

Bring on the funny work stories I say. I did try and help celebrate today but the only things I have that are red, white and blue is the mighty British flag! I would have brought in Independence Day but only have it on old school VHS. Its a shame as Will Smith should be everyone's role model. Still not pleased by the portrayal of the British in that film but when does Hollywood ever get that right!

Enjoy the 4th July

PS Thanks for the cake

Laura said...

Wait - Are you two going to have your 4th of July party on your newly improved patio? I think you were talking about that when I was there in February! Show the Brits how to party American style! ;)

Can't wait to hear about Paris!

Anonymous said...

We missed you, too. I have to say though, that your dad and I had a very un-American 4th, no fireworks, no cookout, just a lovely quiet day at home and some wild salmon. We did have fireworks last night here at Grand Lake to celebrate 7/7/07.

Anonymous said...

Nick, can you use your map posting skills to help Mary Beth and I? We have learned that 30 minutes of brisk walking 6 times a week helps prevent cancer recurrence. We thought that to motivate ourselves we would count our mile and when we have walked far enough to take us half way between OH and OK we actually would meet to celebrate. We'd love to be able to post our progress on the family website, but have no idea how to do what you do on here with the red lines on the map. also, Lauren if you want to join us we could meet in the middle of the Atlantic on a cruise ship!.