23 November 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

We wanted to wish y'all a happy Thanksgiving! We've decided to forego the turkey dinner in the spirit of "if you can't do Thanksgiving right, don't do it at all." Our oven just has one tiny rack, and Thanksgiving dinners for both of us mean special dishes that only our Moms can make. To honor the spirit of Thanksgiving though, here are some things we are grateful for:
  • Our fantastic friends, who even though we're not there physically, make us feel like we are home in spirit by emailing and calling and keeping us in their lives - being away from you makes us realize how very special you all are, and we can literally say there's no one like you in the world
  • Our families, moms dads brothers sisters and extended - we are so blessed to be loved and supported and shaped by the strongest, deepest, funniest people we know
  • the mild weather in England, where we still only need light jackets on most days
  • the relationships we are beginning to form here

AND we are most grateful this year for the improved health of (Nick's) Grandmom and (Lauren's) Mom. Grandmom has been doing really well since the summer, and we are so excited about this long stretch of healthiness. Mom finished her last round of regular chemo a few weeks ago. Her CAT scan came back clear, and hopefully her blood work will as well (we'll hear soon). Plus, her ankle is on the mend and she is off her crutches! We thank God for bringing her to this point in her recovery, and pray for her continued healing.


Sarah Louise said...

Praise God for the healing! I'm thankful for yins, so far away, too.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear your mom is getting better! That is great news. Mike and Erin came up to Cbus for the weekend to visit and we were just talking about you two! Mike was asking how your mom was doing, so I will be sure to let him know.

If time allows, we all discussed how we would love to get everyone together while you're home. Maybe spend a night reminiscing in Brad's basement or drinks at McMurray's - wait, that's where everyone else in Spfld goes, not us! :-) Hopefully we can work something out. Happy Holidays!!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog!!! Thanks for the wonderful expressions of gratitude. It is fun seeing comments from your friends and it brings back good memories of your wedding, college and (lauren's)high school days. love you both!