19 November 2006

A Teary-Eyed Tribute

Here’s a shot of one of our favorite streets to date. The ironic potential of a city alley literally called ‘Needless Alley’ could power a small town. Unfortunately this post is actually a tribute in loving memory of this wonderful sign. We usually get a good chuckle every time we walk down the main shopping street in Birmingham from seeing the good ol’ Needless Alley sign. Sadly, yesterday all that was left was an empty rusted frame and an unlabeled, seemingly needless alley. Apparently someone wanted to keep all of that ironic comedy to themselves, and stole the sign during one of the 18 hours of darkness here. It almost seems hard to blame them, and in a way, aren’t cities with nicely painted iron signs with witty and clever names asking for them to be stolen?

The answer, is NO.

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