09 March 2007

Nick's Olympic Site Visit

Last week I had one of my coolest days of work since I started: A paid sight-seeing day in London! Well, ok, the 'sites' were pretty much the future Olympic Park I am working on and I had to act like it was all business, but I was there with my camera and tube map like any tourist. We got to go up a tall building to the official London 2012 observation deck, where I took the following picture of the industrial waste of East London.


And here is what we have 5 years to make it into:


I think changing the sky to blue might be the hardest part. Anyway it is a really exciting project and it was fun to go down and get a sense for the grand scale of it all. Since we didn't have to meet at the site till noon, I even had time to go to the recently developed Paddington Basin, near its namesake station. This area has a couple of amazing moving pedestrian bridges that are more art than bridge, most notably the famous 'rolling' bridge. I snapped a few photos with a friend and posted them here.

All in all, a gold-medal-winning day! That was horrible. What a bad way to end a blog post.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

Timmy here. Its been a while since we last spoke, so I thought I would drop you a line. It looks like you are having a blast in the UK.

Anywho, I really enjoy reading your blog; it makes for a pleasant distraction when I am at the lab- especially when Nick writes those olympic-puns.

Take care!!

Sarah Louise said...

I liked the pun. Good luck on making the sky blue...do they teach you that in engineering school?

BJ mentioned yinz's church at the OD tonight and a possible sister church thing--kewl!!

Come over and read my stuff about the speaker Pittsburgh Emergent hosted yesterday...

Anonymous said...

These are so cool! You must have just loved this place, Nick.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing the Olympic site. I look forward to hearing more about it as the project progresses. Good Luck with making the sky blue.