03 March 2007

We’re back!

February flew by at the Hotel Burdette, and we have a brief break in the action for a blog post or two. To those of you who gave up on the blog over the last three weeks…well…I guess you’re not reading this anyway, so I’m not sure why I am addressing you. To those who stuck with us, 'Ta for that' and read on.

Since the last post, the snow has melted, I have not had a proper snowball fight with my South Indian friend, two sets of guests have come and gone, new cities have been visited, sweet bridges photographed, and job offers made. In short, it has been a crazy February.

We’ll try to step through events in some more detail, and I’ll start with our first guest in England: Laura! Laura came for a week in mid-February, when the forecast was 10 days of straight rain, possibly the most authentically English week here yet. We made a ton of day trips, some better than others, and have a jolly good time. Laura did us a big favor by labeling and posting her trip pictures (208 of them) here already, but we figured to put up a few more to satiate our photo-sharing impulses. Check out our crazy pics here.


Anonymous said...

I am glad to see you are back, and even more that you are happy as a clam. (Marine reference?) I love you both!!

Sarah Louise said...

It was very cool to see a pic of you with BJ on his blog. Glad yinz are happy n'at.