Big news at Casa Burdette: the consulting gig has turned out even better than I could have hoped and I’ve been offered a full-time position with IE Design Consultancy!
IE is an exciting, dynamic company of 16 that offers “brand strategy, design delivery and digital solutions,” or in laymen’s terms branding, graphic design work, website development. It’s a really creative environment, with a ping pong table right in the main work area! IE was started 12 years ago by Ollie, of our very good friends Claire and Ollie. The company has exploded in size in the last two years from four or five employees to 16.
We’re calling my role ‘Value Stream Manager’. The job will be split between project manager of larger projects and managing internal improvement efforts. There is a real need for my particular skill set. In the past, with a smaller company and smaller projects it didn’t matter that there was not a high level of project management or focus on standardizing processes. Now, though, they are winning larger projects and experiencing some growing pains. It feels like such a great match to me, and I am thrilled at the opportunity to make a real difference! They've already won a huge project, partly sold by emphasizing their professional approach and 'new full-time project manager.'
I start full-time April 16. In the meantime, I am wrapping up the consulting phase with them and with John, my other client. I’ll also be taking about a week and a half off to enjoy Mom’s visit, starting this Sunday! Life is really great at the moment, and light-years different from the long 'autumn of our discontent,' or something like that.
Congratulations Lauren! That's really great! I'm VERY excited for you. Ollie seemed like a really great guy when I met him and I bet he is a good boss! Enjoy the visit with your mom (oooooooh) and I hope she is doing well! :)
Yay, Lauren!!!! Congrats on being a working gal!!!
I think it's totally awesome that you get to do IE at a company called IE Design Consultancy. It's a match made in heaven!! :o)
I hope you settle into the new full-time position well and in the meantime enjoy your time with yo mama!! Woo hoo!!
I really wasn't looking for your blog, but once I did, just couldn't stop reading about your adventures here! Your photographs and commentary have given me a different view of places I've known for most of my life...although to my shame, I've never been to Coventry Cathedral, something I mean to correct these holidays!
Congratulations on a fantastic blog and for getting not one but two jobs!
Hello - Craig here.. came across the blog after doing th B1 Myspace page. Just typed b1 into google - amazing!
So what I heard at B group last night is true! Excellent news Congrats! And I was going to ask you to help me with my new business too... ah well ;)
See you on Sunday
Wow, sue and craig, you are our first british readers! have you read anything that we've gotten terribly wrong on our new home? I think we'll need to step up our game now! :-)
You mean until now it was just Yanks reading?
Congrats on the job. And have a great visit with your mom.
Fascinating reading someone else's views of your own country...especially all the architecture stuff...I'll never just walk over a bridge again! The keys thing was funny...don't tell me you Yanks have evolved past keys?!
I live in Moseley and would love to show you around...if you could bear spending time with an old fogey that is, my elder son is nearly your age! My phone number is 249 2244, give us a ring, perhaps we coiuld meet up
love sue
congratulations Lauren. I knew it was just a matter of time. A ping pong table at work? They may be onto something over there. Have fun.
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